Guitar Nine's Attic: The Funniest And Most Fun Reviews

A look back at nine of the funnest and even funniest reviews from the Guitar Nine's "The Undiscovered" column feature. Of course, your smile milage may very. Hundreds of artists and bands were featured in "The Undiscovered" column from 1996 through 2007. The nine submissions here (in no particular order) were some of the reviews that brought a smile to our readers' faces.

Displaying 1 - 9 of 9
Shane Gibson: Look What The Stork Brought (Aug 2005)
Iz: Iz This Guitar Music? (Dec 2005)
Plastron: Kick Axe Outerspace Rock (Apr 2006)
Global Warning: Fade To (Digital) Black (Apr 2004)
Metal Man: Your Ears Will Bleed (Oct 2014)
Nick Johnston: Just Don't Call It Shred (Apr 2006)
Pennega: Smack The Monkey (Jun 2007)
Dan Mitchell: If Your Psyche Troubles You... (Jun 2007)
Chris Schreiner: Who Is This Guy? (Jun 2006)

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