Guitar Nine's Attic: G9 Kiesel Corps

Guitar Nine
General , G9 Attic

corps /kôr/ a main subdivision of an armed force in the field: the guitar corps will seek and destroy

A look at the Guitar Nine organization's corps of Kiesel-built guitars, amassed from 1980 through 2024. The L.C. Kiesel Company was first formed in Los Angeles, California in 1946, and the manufacturer continues to push the limits of what standard, high-quality materials and premium, customized instruments look like. It's been called the "Quality Custom 9", but that's a pretty puckish way of saying Kiesel's custom guitars have been endorsed by outstanding musicians such as Allan Holdsworth, Craig Chaquico, Greg Howe, Johnny Hiland, Frank Gambale, Sophie Lloyd and Thomas McRocklin.

Displaying 1 - 9 of 9
Kiesel V220C
Kiesel V220C
Kiesel SCB6H
Kiesel SCB6H
Kiesel DCM8 Multiscale 8 String
Kiesel DCM8 Multiscale 8 String
Kiesel Jason Becker Yin Yang
Kiesel Jason Becker Yin Yang
Kiesel Sophie Lloyd Signature Series SL6
Kiesel Sophie Lloyd Signature Series SL6
Kiesel Crescent C6
Kiesel Crescent C6
Kiesel Delos 6
Kiesel Delos 6
Kiesel California Single Carved Top
Kiesel California Single Carved Top
Kiesel Greg Howe GH24
Kiesel Greg Howe GH24

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