Newsletter December-January 2012



The December-January edition is now online!

Over 1100 instrumental guitarists, guitar-oriented guitarists and guitar-heavy bands are selling downloads through Apple's iTunes site. Every click-through supports the work done on this site!

iTunes Downloads

New Columns

This edition's guest columnists offer tips on working with odd time signatures, career advice, theory, and other music business tips directly to your web browser. We've got nine fresh columns altogether - seven written by by returning columnists along with two new contributors.

Tom Hess returns with "How To Turn 7 String Guitar Into A Powerful Tool For Musical Creativity". Independent music consultant Chris Knab reveals his thoughts in "Ignorant Musicians Finish Last". Mike Campese serves up a new technique column entitled "4/4 To 5/4". Guitarist Jamie Andreas returns with her article "Am I Too Old To Learn Guitar?". Tim Sweeney is back with his column on empowerment "Music Artists And The Victim Mentality". Guitarist Mike Philippov returns with "Here Is Exactly How To Practice Guitar Scales". Jerry Kramskoy is back to teach with "Theory For The Weary". Our new columnists this issue include Roo Chapus with "How To Get Guitar Endorsements" and Shawn J. Wagner with "Tom Hess Music Career Advice: Interview".

Tom Hess

Christopher Knab

Mike Campese

Jamie Andreas

Tim Sweeney

Roo Chapus

Jerry Kramskoy

Mike Philippov

Shawn J. Wagner

New Interviews

The December update includes a new interview with shredlord Joe Stump.

Joe Stump

The Rediscovered

We shine our spotlight on four more of the most outstanding artists from the eleven years of the Undiscovered series profiles - it's called The Rediscovered. Think of it as the best of the best of The Undiscovered artists - another chance to check in with guitar oriented musicians and bands you may have missed the first time around.

The Rediscovered


Click to view a selection of t-shirts and other Guitar Nine gear available from


The Home Studio Registry

For over 16 years we've offered a free listing on the Home Studio Registry. Join the Registry to meet and hook up with other Home Studio owners like yourself to discuss gear, techniques, maintenance or production.

Home Studio Registry

In Conclusion

As always, your comments, support and feedback are appreciated.
Dan McAvinchey
Guitar Nine