
Displaying 97 - 108 of 234
August-September 2004
Guitar Haus

If the U.S. guitar magazines want to have more of an impact with the global community; they need to balance commercialism with the true artistic and innovative expressions of the guitar in many various forms.

October-November 2004
Guitar Haus

Remember, if you look like everyone else, how do you stand out? Don`t rely on your technique to get you noticed, it won`t. Your songs might, but you`ve got to get people interested enough to listen to you in the first place.

December-January 2004
Guitar Haus

Composition really separates an artist from someone who is soley a musician, in my opinion. If I am to be viewed in any way, I would like it to be as a composer.

February-March 2005
Guitar Haus

Running your own label is the ultimate outlet for creating your music and getting it out to people. The alternative is sitting at home waiting for a call from a "real" label. Believe me, pinning your hopes on someone else making it happen for you is very frustrating and can turn you into a very weird person.

February-March 2005
Guglielmo Malusardi

When I was a student I worked hard on exercises and all that, but now I just play or rehearse my repertoire...Although I am also still teaching, so I¥m constantly recalling all the old exercises - no way of getting out of them!

April-May 2005
Guglielmo Malusardi

Bands like Korn and Limp Bizkit really reminded people that the guitar is something that a band is built around. The fact the you go to a G3 show and see so many kids lets you know that there is still a very strong interest in "guitar" music, and I think it is growing, not declining.

June-July 2005
Guitar Haus

The advantages to working with a label is the feedback you get while writing. On my previous CDs I was pretty much on my own so it was nice to get some feedback for a change.

June-July 2005
Guglielmo Malusardi

This is one of the great things about being an artist on Favored Nations. I am in control of my art. When I write songs, I never think about how long a song is - my songs and arrangements are done the way I envision it.

June-July 2005
Guglielmo Malusardi

Music is the highest form of art. It is the most abstract art, while being the one that reaches deep emotions in all of us. Instrumental music is Pure Music. It gives to the listener only vibrations to get inspired and emotional.

October-November 2005
Guitar Haus

I have a lot of experience thanks to my debut album. In fact, for "Suspension" I did everything by myself - production, distribution, promotion - so I know what to do. I know which magazines will be interested and which will not.

December-January 2005
Guitar Haus

I have many goals and options, but I`ll take it day by day. It`s kinda scary to think what could happen in five years. I hope to accomplish something really special by that time.

December-January 2005
Guglielmo Malusardi

Guitar music isn`t for everybody. Can`t expect to sell as much as pop vocal music, and that`s OK. Guitar music is for those who enjoy it, and it`s great that Guitar Nine Records gives us a place where we can easily get it.


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