Issues (Archive)

Displaying 145 - 150 of 150

From June of 1996 through April of 2021, the content on the Guitar Nine site was organized as an online magazine, with new content packaged and published every two months (February, April, June, August, October and December). Currently, content is gathered and released in a familiar 'blog style', meaning as it comes in, it is edited, published and promoted on the home page.

You are invited to browse all 150 Guitar Nine back issues from the 25 years encompassing 1996 through 2021.

Guitar Nine Plans May CD Release
New Year Brings Great New Columns and Information
December Focus: Releasing Independent Records and Creating Record Labels
Guitar Nine in October Features New Columnists, Expanded Information
Guitar Nine in August Features New Columns and Features
Welcome to Guitar Nine!


Spotlight on Interviews

Home Studio Owner
Guitars in use:
Jackson Kelly KE2 USA, Jackson RR1 USA, BC Rich Virgin NJ, Epiphone SG w/ DiMarzio X2N