Tom Hess with his third installment on ideas on selecting and using a compositional process that works best for you.
Tom Hess with his third installment on ideas on selecting and using a compositional process that works best for you.
Tom Hess with his fourth installment on songwriting, with more advanced, yet simple and overlooked concepts.
A theory borrowed from psychology but adapted by the author to the musical realm.
You can get so much from exposure to unfamiliar music styles.
An introduction to the most familiar way of analyzing and composing music for many of us.
Kole supplies you, the songwriter/composer with three tools that will help you kick writer`s block `night in the ruts`.
Kole goes beyond rut-busting, with tips on how to surpass all ruts.
The lighter/darker side of the enigmatic diminished tritone, and its infamous interval, the b5th.
Kevin Ferguson offers guiding principles used to transcribe and arrange Vivaldi (and other Baroque) violin concertos to electric guitars.
The often misunderstood and underappreciated interval - the minor second.
Adding color to the bland, unifying lyrics, and other compositional techniques.
No matter your level, these five tips will greatly improve your compositional ability.