
Guitar Nine Newsroom

Displaying 16 - 30 of 80

The February-March edition is now online!

This edition's guest columnists are writing on topics such as the chord tone soloing, guide tones and dynamics. We've got six contributed articles altogether - all have been written by past contributing columnists.

Mike Campese is back with a speed focused column entitled "Ascending Shred Lines". James Rosocha also returns and educates with his new lesson "Guide Tones". Finally, prolific columnist and guitarist Tommaso Zillio contributes a quadruple shot of columnar expresso: "Chromatic Sequences With The Pentatonic Scale", "Chord Tone Soloing", "Using Dynamics In Your Guitar Playing" and "Learning Every Note That Makes Up Every Chord".

Also, please reread and enjoy a classic column from the Guitar Nine archives, Dan McAvinchey's "Thinking Long Term".

Our retrospective series is entitled "Guitar Nine's Attic", which in February/March takes a look back at the critical favorites: 19 top artists from Guitar Nine's "The Undiscovered" column feature, which ran from 1996 to 2007.

The February update includes new interviews with guitarist Michael A. Ruelas, and Italian guitar player Andre Tonelli.

The December-January edition is now online!

This edition's guest columnists are writing on topics such as the rut-busting guitar solos, chromatic sequences and scale study. We've got six contributed articles altogether - all have been written by past contributing columnists.

Mike Campese is back with a scale focused column entitled "Harmonic Major". Vlad De Briansky rejoins us with his video lesson "12-Bar Blues - Quick And Easy". Guitarist Andy Martin has contributed his scale overview called "Harmonic Minor And Melodic Major Scales". Finally, prolific columnist and guitarist Tommaso Zillio contributes three more articles, "Systematic Phrasing", "New Ideas For Your Next Guitar Solo" and "Chromatic Sequences With The Pentatonic Scale".

Enjoy a blast from the past with a classic column from the Guitar Nine archives, Dan McAvinchey's "Self-Release Q&A, Chapter 2".

Our retrospective series is entitled "Guitar Nine's Attic", which will take a look at the complete Guitar Nine Attic Inventory of uncovered items, as of December 2019.

No new interviews in December. The October issue featured an interview with Lorne Hind.

The October-November edition is now online!

This edition's guest columnists are writing on topics such as tonality, theory in composition and expanding guitar solos. We've got six contributed articles altogether - five have been written by regular contributing columnists and one written by new columnist Tim Mavers-Chance.

Andy Martin is back with his column "Tonality, Part 1". Mike Campese also returns with an article entitled "Outside Lines". Joining us for the first time is photojournalist Tim Mavers-Chance with "Andy James: The Beginning, The Regrets, The Future". Finally, guitarist Tommaso Zillio contributes three more well-prepared articles, "Is It Possible To Compose Without Knowing Music Theory?", "Expanding On A Guitar Solo Using Arpeggio Superimposition" and "Is Music Theory The Same For All Instruments?".

Enjoy a blast from the past with a classic column from the Guitar Nine archives, Dan McAvinchey's "Who Sells Your Record?".

Our retrospective series is entitled "Guitar Nine's Attic", which in this issue takes a look back at Guitar Nine's most popular site visitor polls over the past 23 years.

The October update includes a new interview with guitarist Lorne Hind.

The August-September edition is now online!

This edition's guest columnists are writing on topics such as exotic scales, music theory, arpeggios, and affordable microphones. We've got six contributed articles altogether - one written by a columnist new to Guitar Nine (Simon Dupree).

Guitarist Andy Martin returns after a long hiatus with his new article "Chord Substitution". Mike Campese also returns with his technique article entitled "Triad Arpeggio Sequences, Part 2". Guitarist Tommaso Zillio serves up two more articles (one video-enhanced), "Do You Have To Be A Certain Age To Learn Music Theory?" and "How To Sound Exotic: Japanese Guitar Scale And Phrasing". Joining us for the first time is Simon Dupree with "The 4 Best Microphones For Recording Acoustic Guitar Under $500". Finally, bassist James Rosocha returns with his article "Diatonic Harmony, Part 2".

Our retrospective series is entitled "Guitar Nine's Attic", which in this issue highlight the Guest Columnist Hall of Fame - the nine most active Guitar Nine contributors from 1997 through 2019.

No new interviews in August. The February issue featured Stus Rollins and Seis Cuerdas.

The June-July edition is now online!

This edition's guest columnists are writing on topics such as songwriting, music theory, arpeggios, and overcoming hand size. We've got six contributed articles altogether - one written by a columnist new to Guitar Nine (Roz Bruce).

Just Rijna returns with his new article "When Should You Start Training Your Ears?". Mike Campese also returns with a technique article entitled Triad Arpeggio Sequences". Guitarist Tommaso Zillio serves up three more articles (one video-enhanced), "Music Theory And Music Notation Are Very Different Things" and "Will Learning Music Theory Change Your Playing?". Joining us for the first time is editor Cassie Steele with "10 Ways To Promote Your Music Online" and guitar instructor / session musician Chris Byrd with "How to Play Stone Mob's 'Murder Town' Solo". Finally, bassist James Rosocha returns with his article "Sequence And Rhythmic Variation".

Our retrospective series is entitled "Guitar Nine's Attic", which in this issue will take a look at numbers 61 to 100 of Guitar Nine's best-selling instrumental guitar albums from 1997 through 2012.

No new interviews in June. The February issue featured Stus Rollins and Seis Cuerdas.

The April-May edition is now online!

This edition's guest columnists are writing on topics such as harmony, scale/riff enhancement, and learning music theory. We've got six contributed articles altogether - all written by returning columnists familiar to Guitar Nine readers. In addition, read more about our outreach to the LEGO community with a custom, Explorer-style guitar built entirely of LEGO.

Mike Campese is back with a technique article entitled "Scales: Combining Rhythmic Variations". Roland Nipp returns after a hiatus with his motivational "In Their Own Words". Guitarist Tommaso Zillio offers up three new articles, "Expanding On Your Cool Guitar Riff", "Four Common Mistakes Made When Learning Music Theory" and "Learn More Music Theory - Get More Creative". Finally, bassist James Rosocha returns with his article "Diatonic Harmony".

Enjoy a blast from the past with a classic column from the Guitar Nine archives, Dan McAvinchey's "Internet Marketing - Fact And Fiction".

Our retrospective series is entitled "Guitar Nine's Attic", which in this issue will take a look at numbers 31 to 60 of Guitar Nine's best-selling instrumental guitar albums from 1997 through 2012.

The February-March edition is now online!

This edition's guest columnists are writing on topics such as music education, choosing an acoustic guitar, rhythmic variation, and musical intuition. We've got seven contributed articles altogether - four written by regular contributing columnists and three by writers new to Guitar Nine (Vlad De Briansky, Bobby Kittleberger and Paul Verschuur).

Mike Campese is back with a technique article entitled "Practicing Scales With Rhythmic Variation". Joining us for the first time is Guitar Chalk's founder Bobby Kittleberger with "The Inherent Value Of Music Education", Grammy-nominated guitarist Vlad De Briansky with "Be Like A. Einstein", and Alpha Consumer Music founder Paul Verschuur with "Important Tips On How To Find The Best Acoustic Guitar". Finally, guitarist Tommaso Zillio contributes three more articles, "How Well Must You Play An Instrument In Order To Compose Music?", "The Key To A Great Vibrato" and "Put An End To Your Writer's Block".

Enjoy a blast from the past with a classic column from the Guitar Nine archives, Dan McAvinchey's "Releasing Records: Patience and Persistence".

Our retrospective series is entitled "Guitar Nine's Attic", which in this issue will take a look at Guitar Nine's 30 best-selling instrumental guitar albums from 1997 through 2012.

The February update includes new interviews with UK guitarist Stus Rollins, and the LA-based flamenco/metal duo Seis Cuerdas.

The December-January edition is now online!

This edition's guest columnists are writing on topics such as the altered scale, blue notes, guitar uniqueness and learning theory. We've got six contributed articles altogether - all have been written by regular contributing columnists.

Mike Campese is back with a scale focused column entitled "The Altered Scale". James Rosocha rejoins us with his bass-oriented column "Plugging In The Blue Note". blogger Austin Consordini has contributed his guitar overview called "Different Types of Guitars – Meeting The Extended Family". Finally, guitarist Tommaso Zillio contributes three more articles, "Don't Get CAGED Part 7: Caged And Pentatonic Are Not The Same Thing", "A Sure-Fire Way For Beginners Musicians To Learn Theory" and "Using What Makes Your Guitar Unique To Your Advantage".

Enjoy a blast from the past with a classic column from the Guitar Nine archives, Dan McAvinchey's "Finding The Perfect Partner".

Our retrospective series is entitled "Guitar Nine's Attic", which will take a look at the Guitar Nine organization's Guitarsenal (guitar arsenal) of six-strings (and a bass) from 1980 through 2012.

No new interviews in December. The February issue featured Sam Russell, James Rosocha and In Dreams of Reality.

The October-November edition is now online!

This edition's guest columnists are writing on topics such as 12-string guitar songs, writing music lyrics and chord tone permutations. We've got six contributed articles altogether - five have been written by regular contributing columnists and one written by new columnist Austin Consordini.

Simon Candy is back with an acoustic guitar-oriented column "3 Ways To Sound Amazing On Your Guitar Using Chords In An Open G Tuning". Mike Campese also returns with an article inspired by his newly released solo album entitled "All Alone" Solo Excerpts". James Rosocha rejoins us with his bass-oriented column "Permutations of Chord Tones". Joining us for the first time is blogger Austin Consordini with "Top 12-string Acoustic Guitar Songs". Finally, guitarist Tommaso Zillio contributes two more articles, "Writing Music Lyrics That People Can Sing Along To" and "Get Over Your Songwriter's Block With This Simple Advice".

Enjoy a blast from the past with a classic column from the Guitar Nine archives, Dan McAvinchey's "Indie Release Do's and Don'ts".

Our new retrospective series is entitled "Guitar Nine's Attic", which will take a look back at nostalgia, artifacts, promos, photos, and other items from our 22 year history. Our fifth installment displays all of our print ads that appeared in national guitar publications from 1997 to 1999.

No new interviews in October. The February issue featured Sam Russell, James Rosocha and In Dreams of Reality.

The August-September edition is now online!

This edition's guest columnists are writing on topics such as improvisation, album tracks, chord/melody playing and songwriting. We've got six contributed articles altogether - and all have been written by regular contributing.

Simon Candy is back with two acoustic guitar-oriented columns "Creating And Playing Chord/Melody Arrangements On Guitar - Part 1" and its follow-up, "Creating And Playing Chord/Melody Arrangements On Guitar - Part 2". Mike Campese also returns with an article inspired by his new album entitled "The Fire Within". Finally, guitarist Tommaso Zillio contributes three more columns, "Key Changes: One Technique That Will Make Or Break Your Composition", "Writing Songs That Don't Suck", and "Two Simple Ways That Will Improve Your Guitar Improvisation Game".

Enjoy a blast from the past with a classic column from the Guitar Nine archives, Dan McAvinchey's "Finishing The Job".

Our new retrospective series is entitled "Guitar Nine's Attic", which will take a look back at nostalgia, artifacts, promos, photos, and other items from our 22 year history. Our fourth installment looks at the history and evolution of the Guitar Nine home page.

No new interviews in August. The February issue featured Sam Russell, James Rosocha and In Dreams of Reality.

The June-July edition is now online!

This edition's guest columnists are writing on topics such as minor scales, percussive acoustic playing, music theory, rhythmic variation, and soloing over Stone Mob. We've got eight contributed articles altogether - two written by a columnists new to Guitar Nine (Chris Byrd and Cassie Steele).

Italian guitarist Luca Sellitto returns with his new article "Minor Pentatonic Scale: Free Yourself From The Five Boxes". Simon Candy is back with his acoustic guitar-oriented column "How To Easily Play Acoustic Percussive Guitar". Mike Campese also returns with a technique article entitled "Harmonic Minor (Unlocking Sounds)". Guitarist Tommaso Zillio serves up two more video-enhanced articles, "How To Use Musical Form To Write Music" and "Will Learning Music Theory Change Your Playing?". Joining us for the first time is editor Cassie Steele with "10 Ways To Promote Your Music Online" and guitar instructor / session musician Chris Byrd with "How to Play Stone Mob's 'Murder Town' Solo". Finally, bassist James Rosocha returns with his article "Sequence And Rhythmic Variation".

Our new retrospective series is entitled "Guitar Nine's Attic", which will take a look back at nostalgia, artifacts, promos, photos, and other items from our 22 year history. Our third installment looks at Guitar Nine logo variations and alternatives to the original black and white version.

No new interviews in June. The February issue featured Sam Russell, James Rosocha and In Dreams of Reality.

The April-May edition is now online!

This edition's guest columnists are writing on topics such as mental practicing, songwriting myths, lyric writing, CAGED, and scale shapes. We've got seven contributed articles altogether - one written by a columnist new to Guitar Nine (Just Rijna).

Simon Candy is back with his picking column "Play Thousands Of Songs With The Clawhammer Fingerpicking Pattern". Mike Campese also returns with a technique article entitled "Triad Arpeggios". Roland Nipp returns after a hiatus with his contribution "Mental Practice - The Art of Practicing Guitar Without a Guitar". Guitarist Tommaso Zillio offers up two articles, "Getting Out Of The Guitar CAGED System Part 6: Lead Harmonies" and "How To Simplify Your Lyric Writing For The Better". Joining us for the first time is Dutch guitarist Just Rijna with "Three Songwriting Myths that Will Stifle Your Creativity". Finally, bassist James Rosocha returns with his article "Seeing Shapes and Patterns".

Our new retrospective series is entitled "Guitar Nine's Attic", which will take a look back at nostalgia, artifacts, promos, photos, and other items from our 21 year history. Our second installment is a focus on Guitar Nine magnet promos given away with orders from 2001 to 2012.

No new interviews in April. Last issue featured Sam Russell, James Rosocha and In Dreams of Reality.

The February-March edition is now online!

This edition's guest columnists are writing about slide guitar playing, chromatic lines, and setting up a practice schedule. We've got six contributed articles altogether - one written by a columnist new to Guitar Nine (Mark Woodburn).

Mike Campese also returns with a technique article entitled "Chromatic Riffs and Lines". Tom Hess is back with his contribution "Four Keys To Making An Effective Guitar Practice Schedule". Guitarist Tommaso Zillio educates and illuminates with two articles, "How To Transition From An Intermediate To An Advanced Guitar Player" and "Transforming An Idea Into A Song". Joining us for the first time is guitarist Mark Woodburn with "Seven Picking Styles Every New Guitarist Should Learn". Finally, acoustic guitar specialist Simon Candy returns with his introductory article "Learn The Technique Of Slide Guitar And Take Your Playing To A Whole New Level".

Our new retrospective series is entitled "Guitar Nine's Attic", which will take a look back at nostalgia, artifacts, promos, photos, and other items from our 21 year history. This time the subject is picks.

The February update includes new interviews with UK guitarist Sam Russell, bass player James Rosocha, and the German band In Dreams Of Reality.

The December-January edition is now online!

This edition's guest columnists are writing about creativity, song writing basics, and live streaming your gigs. We've got seven contributed articles altogether - two written by columnists new to Guitar NIne (James Rosocha, Luca Sellitto).

Tom Hess is back with his contribution "How To Quickly Become A Highly Creative Guitarist". Mike Campese also returns with an article entitled "Hanon Style, Scale Sequences". Guitarist Tommaso Zillio challenges you with "Song Writing Basics: Starting From A Single Idea". After a long hiatus, Dean Hailstone has submitted "How to Live Stream Your Gig". Joining us for the first time are bassist James Rosocha with "Quoting The Melody Of Tunes", and Italian instructor Luca Sellitto talking technique in "String Crossing Exercises". Finally, acoustic guitar specialist Simon Candy returns with his comprehensive article "Awesome Sounding Fingerpicking Blues Arrangements On Your Acoustic Guitar".

The December update includes a new interview with New Jersey area guitarist and composer Shawn Christie.

The 'site reboot' remodeling effort is complete. A responsive design and the ability to quickly add new ways to experience our content were two of the many goals we achieved with today's rollout. Going live is just the beginning; in addition to knocking out the 69 item punch-list, we're going to be adding a lot of extra features as well in the coming months - stay tuned!

Punch list fixes completed
2017-12-19 Cleaned up, deleted and renamed entries in the World Of Musical Links
2017-12-18 Renamed old letters/feedback page tp 'Our Fans'
2017-12-17 Changed mobile/tablet top menu to basic 'select' dropdown
2017-12-17 Fixed more awkward, 90's style HTML within content (font tags, etc.
2017-12-17 Fixed line breaks and outdated copyright on 94 columns
2017-12-16 Fixed blurry or incorrectly-scaled images on 300 of 700 columns
2017-12-14 Fixed blurry or incorrectly-scaled images on 400 of 700 columns
2017-12-13 Added 2012 and 2013 historical survey results
2017-12-13 Updated Javascript on the Delay Time Calculator and Record Label Profit Worksheet
2017-12-12 Added 2014. 2015, 2016 and 2017 historical survey results
2017-12-11 Added 'Real Name' and 'Guitar Playing Experience' questions to Member sign up
2017-12-11 Fixed CSS bug on Undiscovered Artist photos displaying too large
2017-12-10 Cleaned out all (non-MSN) users with bounced newsletter emails
2017-12-09 Fixed all inappropriate blockquote tags (now tabbed-paragraph class divs)
2017-12-08 Fixed the remaining 159 columns that had Click to Enlarge images
2017-12-07 Added 6-day cache for contributor tiles page
2017-12-06 Updated 217 Contributor bios/photos for the Contributor tiles
2017-12-05 Fixed Javascript on Delay Time Calculator
2017-12-05 Updated all Dan McAvinchey columns links and HTML
2017-12-05 Tagged same 209 columns with hashtags
2017-12-05 Updated 209 columns that had Click to Enlarge images
2017-12-05 Changed all .m3u links to .mp3 links
2017-12-05 Added 6-day cache for Issue grid on home page
2017-12-04 Added images for the In Review pages
2017-12-04 Set up email newsletter functionality, unsubscribe, links, etc.
2017-12-04 Cleaned up user account display and edit pages
2017-12-04 Added users and email list
2017-12-03 Added hashtag #VideoEnhancedColumn to all columns with video
2017-12-03 Added responsiveness and protocol-less url to all YouTube vides
2017-12-03 Cleaned up all quotes, double-quotes and dashes that would not render in the browser
2017-12-03 Fixed size of undiscovered artist photos
2017-12-03 Changed category and series links to go to tiles list

Please report bugs, issues, omissions and other problems through the site contact form.


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Taylor 514CD, Godin MultiAC, Les Paul, Ibanez Artist, Seagull nylon