Instrumental Acoustic Music Coveys Soaring Freedom
Instrumental Acoustic Music Coveys Soaring Freedom
Original Jazz CD Emphasizes Songs
Fingerstylist Blends Jazz, Folk and New Age Influences
Modern Guitar Flavors Jungle Rhythms
Italian Shred "Extravaganza"
Blues Rock Band Poised To Explode
Fifteen Years Of Progressive Rock Fusion
Guitar-Based Improvisational Pieces Kick-Off Trilogy
High Energy, Blues/Rock Guitar
Music Creating An Uplifting Ambience
Meaningful Progressive Rock
New Progressive Band Forges Original Sound
Guitar Nine is an online guitar e-zine site located in Raleigh, North Carolina.
The site features guest columnists whose ideas help guitarists at all levels of ability, over 200 artist interviews, as well as a section devoted to introducing undiscovered guitar players around the world.
Also highlighted are links to other web sites important to guitarists, composers, and producers.