Guitar Nine Columns

Displaying 85 - 126 of 4222

Enjoy over 25 years of staff columns, guest columns, interviews and more!

Guitar on YouTube

Steve discusses melody writing, phrasing, dynamics and more using his track "For The Love Of God".

Tommaso Zillio

The differences between regular and scalloped fretboards explained.

Guitar Nine

A look at the Guitar Nine organization basses from 1980 through 2024.

Tommaso Zillio

Write dissonant but delightful music using the Neapolitan minor scale or chord.

Guitar Haus

Vai's whammy antics, speed and 'detuned' playing is highly unusual and original.

Guitar on YouTube

McRocklin's masterclass covers his track "New Beginnings" (B minor) in great detail.

Tommaso Zillio

An exercise that you can use to build a powerful picking hand.

Guitar Haus

Since "Not Of The Earth" and "Surfing With The Alien" in the '80s, there's been a lot of Joe S. playing in our studio.

Dan Peeke

Exercises that will challenge you to build a deeper connection with your guitar.

April-May 2021
Guitar Nine Newsroom

Guitar Nine's April-May 2021 newsletter.

April-May 2021
Guitar Haus

Who could predict in 1980 that Def Leppard would have a 40+ year career, and that the addition of Collen would make such an impact?

April-May 2021
Guitar Nine

Dozens of articles on the subject of scales, scale patterns, scale connection and more.

April-May 2021
Simon Candy

A little technique can go a long way if you know how to apply it creatively.

April-May 2021
Dan Peeke

Many players are questioning whether or not amps are still the necessities they once were.

April-May 2021
Tommaso Zillio

All it takes is knowing the correct exercises to get your hands working properly.

April-May 2021
Carlos Trejo

Helpful advice about how to choose a room and convert it into the studio of your dreams.

April-May 2021
Tommaso Zillio

Adding first inversion chords gives you 7 new sounds to work with.

April-May 2021
Mike Campese: The Fire Within

Moving the Phrygian Dominant scale in a more horizontal fashion across the neck.

April-May 2021
Tommaso Zillio

Appreciating how different this music sounds from typical guitar music.

February-March 2021
Guitar Nine Newsroom

Guitar Nine's February-March 2021 newsletter.

February-March 2021
Guitar Haus

"Eruption", "Atomic Punk" and a fiery cover of "You Really Got Me" blew us away in 1978.

February-March 2021
Guitar Nine

A wealth of information about chords and chord progressions for you to learn and master.

February-March 2021
Tommaso Zillio

How old is too old? The answer may surprise you.

February-March 2021
Dan Peeke

Get the most you can out of the rehearsal time you have scheduled.

February-March 2021
Tommaso Zillio

Here are three ways to advance and progress in the area of finger independence.

February-March 2021
James Rosocha

Here is a minor cadence used in hundreds of Real Book tunes.

February-March 2021
Tommaso Zillio

Is it something that is necessary for your specific musical path - or not?

February-March 2021
Kevin M. Buck

Tips on recording some of the greatest classical pieces for electric guitars.

February-March 2021
Mike Campese: The Fire Within

Examples that will help strengthen your picking, constructed in a more musical fashion.

December-January 2020
Guitar Nine Newsroom

Guitar Nine's December-January 2020 newsletter.

December-January 2020
Tommaso Zillio

We're positive you should be exposed to negative harmony.

December-January 2020
Guitar Nine

A good guitar riff drives the song, and is often one of the most memorable parts of the tune.

December-January 2020
Tommaso Zillio

Can your hands actually be too small to play?

December-January 2020
Guitar Haus

Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page inspired a generation of guitarists.

December-January 2020
Tommaso Zillio

How to avoid getting discouraged.

December-January 2020
Tommaso Zillio

Less is more, more is more - which is it?

December-January 2020
Mike Campese: The Fire Within

A great way to connect the five basic major scale patterns.
